Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Puppy in Need of Help

Well, if you've been reading my blog for long, then you know that mommy LOVES animals... and she has a big soft spot for pugs and pit bulls.

Well, not too long ago, mommy read a story about 5 pit bull puppies in Detroit. Witnesses saw some teens take these puppies into an abandoned house, then later run out as the house was on fire. All the puppies were found hog tied... and only one survived. They named her Miracle and she has severe burns all over her body. Mommy says if ANY breed can fight this and win, it's a pit bull. And us dogs? Well, we're the most forgiving breed, too. I know mommy prays for Miracle every day and hopes they catch the sick children who did this. She asks "why" all the time and wonders who would teach kids that something like this is OK.... I wonder about that, too.

Anyway, if you want to read about Miracle, you can go HERE. There's pictures of her there, as well as a link to the original video story. There's also a petition to get Justice for Miracle. PETA has also gotten involved and offered a reward to help find these monsters. Mommy isn't a big fan of PETA, but she says they sometimes do good.

Please sign the petition, if you don't mind. Miracle needs all the help and voices she can get. She can't speak for herself.

You can make a difference with your digital signature

Love ~

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Well, I didn't win, but that's OK! I made it to the final round, right?
Please help Sitka win Best in Show at
Please help Sitka win Best in Show at Dogster!

Okay... so I made it as a finalist!!! YAY!!! How cool is that??? Mommy entered me kinda late, so I was really surprised. Then again, look at that photo! How could I NOT be a finalist?

Now the big question is... how can I NOT WIN???
Well, there's a lot of other cute doggies on there, so if you're reading my blog, I REALLY need you to vote for ME ME ME! Please?? If you click on that photo up there, it will take you to the voting page. You might have to register with Dogster, if you haven't already!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

~ Pug Hugs ~

Monday, November 12, 2007

Be sure to vote for me!!!

VOTE for Sitka in The 3rd Annual World’s Coolest Dog & Cat Show!

If you click the link above, you can vote for me! There's other dogs & cats there, too, so be sure to vote for them!! I think you have to have a Dogster account, but I think everyone needs one of them!

Pug Hugs & Love -

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wow - we've been busy! Mom & Dad FINALLY came home! It felt like they were gone forever... I missed them SSSOOOOO much. For a few days after they came back, I was always afraid when they were leaving the house. I was afraid they'd be gone a really long time again. But, I'm glad they got a vacation together. They needed it.

So, we've just been hanging out together a whole lot... I'm loving it. Dad's gotta go out of town again, but mom ain't going nowhere without me! She already said so!

Mom will post a new photo of me soon. I just wanted to write something while mom had some time to help me. =)

Pug Hugs!

Monday, September 17, 2007

From Mommy & Daddy

Sitka, we just wanted to leave you a note that we are going to miss you really bad!! But, Granny will take great care of you. Tell her to be sure & give you belly rubs. Be good for her, ok?

Love -

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, September 09, 2007

It's me again! I hope everyone is having great last of summer days! Personally, I'm ready for it to cool down a bit... it's really hard to breathe when it's so hot outside. My nostrils just aren't that big and I get overheated pretty easy, so fall time is MY time! Mommy likes to watch this thing on TV she calls football. You should see her, jumping up and down, yelling at the TV - she looks like a crazy woman! And she always yells "Go Vols"... whatever that means.

Mommy and Daddy are leaving next week for their big trip. Mommy's been talking in some weird language I don't understand at all - but I don't understand much of what her or Daddy say most of the time! My Granny is coming up here to stay with me. I'm so excited to see her! I'm sure going to miss mommy and daddy really bad, though. Probably mommy more, but don't tell Daddy that! I don't think he reads my blog anymore since he came home, which is a good thing!

Not much else going on in my pug world right now. Be sure to hug your fur kids, because they love you.

Pug Hugs!

P.S. - Mommy said GO VOLS!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Me & My Daddy

I just HAD to get on here and let you guys see the new photos of me & my Daddy. I'm quite proud of it... he's a handsome daddy, ain't he? I love him so... but don't tell him that I'm mommy's poo. Sssshhhh...

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hi Everyone!

Wow... mom's been bad about helping me post on this thing. We've been having a lot of fun hanging out with Daddy, though, so we have a great reason, I think. It's SO NICE to have him back home. Mom & Dad still fight about who's pug I really am... Daddy says I'm his dog and I love him most of all. But, I love them both so very much!! And I know they love me...

I've been on a diet recently, but not a good one. Mom feeds me natural food with green beans (it's pretty yummy, actually) and it's supposed to work, but it's not. Mom thinks it's the cat poop. Hey - I'm not saying a thing.

Mom & Dad are going to Paris in September and I can't go with them. =( It's the first trip they've ever taken together without me. My Granny Davis is coming to stay with me, though, so I'll be well-cared for.

I promise to get momma to help me with this thing more. If only I could type better, but short and stubby pug legs aren't good for keyboards.

Pug Hugs!


An amazing dog...

Friday, June 08, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Daddy's on his way HOME!!

YAY!! I know I haven't written in a long time, but Momma has to help me and she's been a bit busy lately. Ok... really busy. She always spends time with me, though, and that's all I care about.

I can't wait until Daddy gets here!! ONE WEEK TO GO!! He's not going to be happy with me, though. I've gained LOTS of weight while he's been gone... and momma doesn't know what to do. She's put me on an all natural diet, including green beans, which isn't too bad. I love all food, though. I think it's because I eat too much darn cat poop. But I love that stuff!! YUMMY!! Hopefully I can get my girlish figure back - whatever that means. I know it would make Momma very happy.

My granny has been here visiting with me. She's going to help momma while she recovers from sinus surgery. I know momma is probably gonna look pretty funny with strings hanging out her nose!

Well, that's all I know. Not much going on in the Pug world right now - just waiting for daddy. Here's a new photo of me!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Wow! I haven't posted in a LONG time... sheesh! Where does the time go?

Momma's been pretty busy lately. She got a new job as a photographer, so she's pretty happy. I'm back to being in my kennel all day, but mom gets home a lot earlier than she used to, so it's not as bad. She leaves me out when she's only gone for a few hours, so she makes up for it. She thinks I'll eat cat poop all day. I don't know why she would think that!

Daddy is still in Afghanistan. I sure do miss him, but every time he calls, he says hi to me, so I feel a lot better.

Me & Momma are going on a diet. She says I'm a little pudgy. One time the vet said I was losing my girlish figure. Do pugs have that? Hmmm.... Anyway, she's going to put me on some type of all natural diet, or something like that. I don't care - I LOVE food and I know Momma will feed me good stuff. Yummy! I'm getting hungry again!!

I'm a little late putting this up, but...

Courtesy of
Courtesy of

Thursday, February 15, 2007


My daddy is on his way back to Afghanistan. =( I miss him already, and I know mommy does, too. But, I was SO HAPPY to see him! He would come over and we'd take naps on the couch. He was ssssoooooo tired! He called it jet wag... whatever that is. Oh, mommy just said they're 9-1/2 hours ahead of us, so that's why. He's been working so hard.

I thought I'd post a picture of me & my daddy...

I love you daddy! And when you come home, can we go to the lake again???

Friday, February 02, 2007

It's been a LONG time!

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long... Mom has to help me type sometimes because my short little pug legs don't do so well with typing! And she's been super busy - but she got a new job!! YAY!! Actually, she got 2 new jobs, but she says one will only be on weekends and will be super busy during wedding season.

I've been a good little girl, as always! And guess what?!?! My DADDY is coming HOME!! No, not for good... just for a trip to the states, then he has to go back to Afghanistan. But, I'll get to see my daddy for a little bit, so I'm really excited!! So much so that I almost peed the floor when mommy told me about it!

Mom's happy cuz she'll get to see Daddy, of course, and he'll be here for Valentines day. Mommy said she bought me something, but I haven't gotten in yet. I can't' figure out why!

Pug Hugs
~ Sitka ~

P.S. - By the way, Leona (the pit bull in the Santa picture) found a great new home. Mommy was really happy about that, too! YAY for Leona!

Courtesy of
Courtesy of

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A couple more photos...

Here I am with Cheeto, hanging out on the couch... I'm probably trying to make sure he's not going to steal my bone.

The other photo is me with Conan. I'm wondering WHY he is NOT giving me a bath! Mom thinks there's something going on with me & him, but I just really like getting a cat bath!

Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a great New Year so far! How are those resolutions? Mine were to eat as much cat poop as I can get away with - which hasn't been a whole lot so far. Granny watches me like a hawk! It's not a lot of fun. And the other is to get as many treats as possible!

Here I am sleeping with Granny....

I sure miss you, Daddy! I hope you miss me, too - but I know you do. =) You ALWAYS miss me! Did you get the picture of me with Santa?