Mom took good care of them while they were here. She bought them some toys and got Gracie (6-month old puppy) a collar, because it didn't look like she had one. Well, she did, but she could wiggle out of it easily - and mom didn't like that! She also had to get something for Crissy's eyes, which she was a little stressed about because she didn't know what to get. All the vets offices were closed and they didn't have anything at Petsmart. So, she got some eye stuff for people and used that. I don't know how Crissy did it, but she stayed super still while mom put that stuff in her eyes. I can't do that - not even to get my ears or wrinkles cleaned! Mom said she hoped it made her eyes feel a little bit better. She gave us all a bunch of loving, too. They slept in a crate - mom put a TON of blankets in there. She felt bad doing it, but told me that wherever they go, they might not get to sleep in the people bed like me, and she thought I might get upset. But, she made sure they were comfortable and gave them some towels for pillows.
Oh, mom said she wants to type, so she can add the pictures, so here she is! Pug Hugs!!
Mom here! These girls were so great... and I truly miss them. They were easy to take care of and played together, even though Crissy had limited vision. She did pretty well getting around. Little Gracie followed me everywhere and would sit at my feet when her legs/hips got too tired. But she was running and playing with Sitka all night, so I know she HAD to be tired!! I dropped them off this morning, and they are almost to their temporary foster in CT. Those girls deserve the best home ever.
Here's the photos I took, and one that was taken of me by the lady who drove them to Baltimore this morning:


All three of The Pugateers:

And me, saying goodbye...

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