Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Puppy in Need of Help

Well, if you've been reading my blog for long, then you know that mommy LOVES animals... and she has a big soft spot for pugs and pit bulls.

Well, not too long ago, mommy read a story about 5 pit bull puppies in Detroit. Witnesses saw some teens take these puppies into an abandoned house, then later run out as the house was on fire. All the puppies were found hog tied... and only one survived. They named her Miracle and she has severe burns all over her body. Mommy says if ANY breed can fight this and win, it's a pit bull. And us dogs? Well, we're the most forgiving breed, too. I know mommy prays for Miracle every day and hopes they catch the sick children who did this. She asks "why" all the time and wonders who would teach kids that something like this is OK.... I wonder about that, too.

Anyway, if you want to read about Miracle, you can go HERE. There's pictures of her there, as well as a link to the original video story. There's also a petition to get Justice for Miracle. PETA has also gotten involved and offered a reward to help find these monsters. Mommy isn't a big fan of PETA, but she says they sometimes do good.

Please sign the petition, if you don't mind. Miracle needs all the help and voices she can get. She can't speak for herself.

You can make a difference with your digital signature

Love ~

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Well, I didn't win, but that's OK! I made it to the final round, right?
Please help Sitka win Best in Show at
Please help Sitka win Best in Show at Dogster!

Okay... so I made it as a finalist!!! YAY!!! How cool is that??? Mommy entered me kinda late, so I was really surprised. Then again, look at that photo! How could I NOT be a finalist?

Now the big question is... how can I NOT WIN???
Well, there's a lot of other cute doggies on there, so if you're reading my blog, I REALLY need you to vote for ME ME ME! Please?? If you click on that photo up there, it will take you to the voting page. You might have to register with Dogster, if you haven't already!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

~ Pug Hugs ~

Monday, November 12, 2007

Be sure to vote for me!!!

VOTE for Sitka in The 3rd Annual World’s Coolest Dog & Cat Show!

If you click the link above, you can vote for me! There's other dogs & cats there, too, so be sure to vote for them!! I think you have to have a Dogster account, but I think everyone needs one of them!

Pug Hugs & Love -